Joshua's chair

Joshua's chair
Happiness is . . .Craftiness & the Old

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Oh, what ever shall I do with my clothes?
 (We're assuming you have already discarded unneeded/unwanted clothing.)

It's not  just a matter of hanging clothes, or placing them on shelves.  I hang my clothes in a particular manner.  But it is rather simple.  Here's the plan I follow.
  1. Off-season clothing goes to the back or hardest-to-get-to area of my closet.
  2. Tops, including blouses, t-shirts and cardigans take up one section.
  3. Pants, slacks, etc., are in another section.
  4. Skirts and dresses are in the third area.
I sort my categorized clothes by color.
(Please keep in mind that I am almost obsessively organized when it comes to clothing.) 
Here is what I do to make my life a bit more simplified:
I organize the tops according to color.  I sort the pants, skirts and dresses the same way.
My shoes are only two or three different colors (less complicated, you know)
Purses can be according to color or by size.    

That's all.  Simple, huh?   Done!

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